Rep. Israel Slams Grant Lally for Supporting Hobby Lobby

Date: Nov. 8, 2014

Today, Rep. Steve Israel (D-New York) strongly criticized Grant Lally for unequivocally stating that he "supports the Hobby Lobby decision." Lally's statement came in response to an attendee's question inquiring as to whether the candidates supported the Supreme Court's recent ruling that put businesses, and not doctors or women, in charge of a woman's healthcare decisions.

"Grant Lally doubled down on his opposition to women's reproductive health freedom last night," Rep. Israel said. "He proudly declared that access to birth control should be determined by your boss and your payroll office - and not by a woman or her doctor. It is shocking that in 2014, Lally continues to peddle a Mad Men-era response without regard for the rights of New York women. I am proud of my 100% pro-choice record, and I look forward to passing legislation that will reverse the disastrous effects of this ruling."

At the League of Women Voters of Nassau County candidate forum in Manhasset on October 7th, Lally claimed that he "supports the Hobby Lobby decision." Lally was referring to his approval of the Supreme Court's June 30th decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby.
